Our aim is to ensure that the cost of coming to school is minimal. We try and support all our families, especially due to rising costs of living.
At Thornhill Primary School we keep costs low by:
- Providing school PE kit
- Providing school book bags. Children do not require a school bag.
- Allowing pupils to wear plain black trainers so they do not require another pair of shoes for PE.
- Providing a school water bottle if require.
- Providing help via a Winter Fund to purchase winter coats, shoes, essential uniform.
- Providing after school clubs at no cost to our pupils.
- Ensuring all our pupils participate in an out of school sporting event at no cost.
- Paying for swimming lessons in KS2.
- Paying for music tuition in KS2.
- Ensuring costs for educational visits are low (max £5) and are a voluntary contribution.
- Providing grants to ensure the cost of the Year 6 residential is reasonable for parents/carers.
- Having limited fundraising events in school and all fundraising events are voluntary contributions only.
- Providing options with school uniform, which can be purchased from a range of retailers. School also have an annual uniform exchange.
- Running a Shildon Alive Food stall weekly – contributions only.
- Providing period products to pupils, staff and visitors via our ‘Red Box’ scheme.
- Providing support as needed.