Class Teacher – Mrs Ball
To contact Mrs Ball please email:
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Bennett
Miss Hughes
Welcome to our Year 1 webpage
We hope that you find the information here useful! If you require any more information, please contact us and we will do our best to help.
The following information is about our class routines:
In Year One we will continue to develop your child’s reading skills. Your child will have a daily session in small, adult led groups where they will take part in various activities to further develop their reading skills. They will be heard read individually and as part of a guided reading group several times a week. Your child’s reading book will be changed at least twice a week. Please support us in developing your child’s reading skills by listening to them read every night for 20 minutes. Could we please ask that you write a little comment in their reading diary so that we know your child has read at home.
At home please continue to use your child’s sound book and practise the sounds they have learnt. All of the Year One children will sit a phonics screening check in May and more information about this check will follow. However, extra practise of sounds and reading words will really help your child to prepare for this national check. Learning to read and spell tricky words is another important aspect of our phonics work. Once your child can read the tricky words (as whole words) they can practise writing them out.
Year One start spellings after Christmas. Spellings are sent out ready for the test the following Monday.
Currently children have daily structured PE sessions. At present they do not require a school PE kit, but must wear suitable shoes everyday.
Class Curriculum Home/School Links
Please view or download out documents below.
Useful Information
Year 1 Meet the Teacher presentation – Year One Meet the Teacher
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