Children will return in their class groups and it is essential that contact between these groups is minimised. The arrangements we are putting in place with strict drop off and collection times are, I understand, sometimes inconvenient for parents/carers especially when siblings are attending our school. But this is essential for the safety of everyone.
I also appreciate greatly your co-operation with the staggered start and finish times as this system is essential to ensure ALL children access the hand washing facilities during the time slot allocated to their group. Unfortunately we will not be able to accept children into school at times different to their allocated slot as this would mean children mixing from different groups and would compromise the safety of other children.
Start and finish times are listed in the table below.
Year Group | Start Time | Finish time |
Nursery | AM – 8:45-9:00
PM – 12.15-12.30 |
AM – 11.30-11.45
PM – 3:00-3:15 |
Reception | 9:00-9:05 | 3:00 |
Year 1 | 8:55-9:00 | 3:10 |
Year 2 | 8:35-8:40 | 3:05 |
Year 3 | 8.45 – 8.50 | 3:15 |
Year 4 | 8:50 – 8:55 | 3:10 |
Year 5 | 8:40-8:45 | 3:05 |
Year 6 | 8:30-8:35 | 3:15 |